Interface Components

There are currently a total of 7 components: scroll pane, list box, check box, push button, scroll bar, database query object, and tooltip. There are detailed examples and readme files in the Components section in the Examples folder.

Two frames are added on swf export by KoolMoves to the beginning of the main movie before any preloader for the purpose of loading KComponents.swf. KComponents.swf contains all the component creation, draw, and interaction routines. KComponents.swf must be present in the same folder as the main swf for the movie to play the components. On exporting to swf or previewing a swf, KComponents.swf is copied to the working directory if components have been added through the KoolMoves gui or if "include interface components" is checked in Export Settings. The components export as Flash 6.

The interface components can be added through the Tools toolbar or through action script (see Components section in Examples folder for action script examples).